Let's have a cup of coffee or tea, have lunch, or we could go hiking. It is very important that your team of home designer architects in Costa Rica get to know you, know your requirements and understand your preferences about your new modern house. All projects must be different, no two people are exactly alike, that is why your project will have an exclusive design tailored to your needs and adapted to your conditions. Dare to have your house made to measure.

Know the general steps that the designer of your house must follow, know in a general the stages to designing and building your home in Costa Rica
1. Choose your modern house designer from the beginning.
It might sound different or maybe a bit casual. But it is really necessary that the architect who designs your house knows you, it may be that he hangs out with you. This is to understand your motivation and meet your expectations better. This is essential to get an accurate custom design. But it is not mandatory, there are other ways to perceive your tastes, like on video calls. However, the first step is felt sure and comfortable with the team that you are hiring to design your home in Costa Rica. You can check the credential of the architects house designer team in CFIA (Colegio Federado de Ingeniros y Arquitectos / Federated College of Engineers and Architects), it is the institution in charge of regulating these activities.
2. Now you have architects technical and creative support to locate your home.
The second step is to choose the location. The site influences everything from the feel to the cost of your day-to-day living. Architects need to check the land, walk on it, look at the ways in and out, look at your closest neighbors, what views you will see when you are in your home. All this to have a better judgment of how to position your project on the property. The architects responsible for your project will indicate to the other designers the steps to follow and will guide them in understanding the essence of the place, mixing it with your expectations and requirements to obtain an ideal house. In addition to emotional perceptions, there are technical factors that we must also consider and are of the utmost importance for the proper development of your home.
The land must be duly registered and have legal limitations that will be imposed on that land by the authorities. Limitations such as, construction is allowed on that land, what type of use can be given to the land, if it has connection to electrical services, drinking water and internet connection. These are some points that we, design firms, have thought for your new home.

3. Start the best architectural design for your dream home in Costa Rica.
The third step could be the most artistic stage, you will enjoy it. The designers firm of architects working on gathering all the information from the preview steps, this phase is known as Preliminary Design. Here is where the first lines of your dream house are made. Considering all the information about the land, the legal regulations, and physical conditions and restriction of the property, creating a conceptual design, considering materials, colors, forms and more… At the end of this process you get a formal proposal for the best home, some virtual representation like renders, maybe a Virtual tour to walk around and explore the project and basic floor plans and principal elevations.
4. Architectural and engineering plans documentation of your modern house.
Home construction documentation is the step after preliminary design. Here is where all the plans and specifications for your project are created by designers engineers and architects. This information is necessary not just to get construction permits, but also it is a guarantee of the product that you are going to receive at the of the construction. Many do not invest time and money in this process, but it is a mistake not to do it. Because the project could lack communication and information during the construction, causing mistakes and extra-costs, in addition to the fact that it is hard work and that is why we as a construction company we do it for you. Encourage yourself to save and not spend more money due to lack of information to correctly build your modern dream home.
With the drawing plans and specifications for your home, every party of the project is responsible for following the instructions. And this is a guarantee that all the people are speaking the same construction language and will be your support when people have doubts about scope and quality. The construction documentation works for two other processes:
Construction permits. At this point, it is necessary to get together all the needed documents from previews steps worked by the designers (preliminary studies and construction drawings). They are summit to the different authorities to get the permits like, CFIA, Municipalities and others.
Construction budget. This is important to get an accurate price and to compare prices and be more competitive. But to get a useful budget, it is necessary the construction drawings.
5. The first stone, start the construction of your new dream home.
One of the last general steps is when the designers' work is materialized with the execution of the construction of your house. Where your home is going to be built and managed by architects builders. In this step, the client must get a formal contract with a very clear scope to avoid confusion. People think this is more expensive. At the beginning it is (because with the informal way you pay more at the end because you don’t get what you hire and end paying too many change orders and extra work). With all the formal documents and steps, you will get have a guarantee of the product that you are hiring and have support from Costa Rican institutions. Once the contract is signed with the scope defined and the dates of the construction milestones, your construction project will be closer to success.
6. User manual for your new modern home.
The last step of the construction project is the Delivery and Warranties. You must demand them. Professionals certified as Designer Architects and Construction Companies in Costa Rica by CFIA must give a 5-year guarantee and must be responsible for the design and construction of each project, including the modern house you are receiving.
In conclusion, at first it will seem more expensive to hire professionals designer architects in Costa Rica and Construction Contractor Company, but the result will be an exclusive interior design with an attractive exterior landscapes.
Could it be that you hear some say that it is not necessary to hire a company of professional architects-engineers to design and build in Costa Rica. The issue is that you will have to do a lot of rework and many unforeseen expenses because you do not have architects plans to guide the construction of your dream house. Your budget will be out of the base because you do not have a detailed budget and a defined scope, you will also have delays in receiving your house due to not having dates in a defined contract. That is why at Edificaciones Corbán we carry out the integral development of projects, allowing our clients to have visibility from the general to the particular; architects, engineers, suppliers, and home builders working collaboratively to complete your modern design house efficiently.
Dare to do the right thing for the planet with the support of professionals architects in Costa Rica. You have a great responsibility with the resources of this planet. You will find that hiring a professional design and construction company will be an excellent decision that allows you to enjoy a house with a unique design while being responsible with nature and according to your conditions.